Karen Sigel, MAOM, LAc, ACN
4827 Zachary Lane
Sugar Land, TX 77479
United States
ph: 281-222-9588
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are effective, drug free, tools to help you to quit smoking by minimizing cravings, calming the nervous system and strengthening will power.
Acupuncture interferes with the addictive process by intercepting transmissions sent by the brain demanding more nicotine. It can eliminate most cravings, but not the habit. Generally the treatment reduces cravings, but you must make it through those few cravings you will still have and modify your daily routine to avoid smoking triggers and develop strategies to cope with those situations you cannot avoid (like morning coffee, driving and eating dinner!).
Steps to take before and after you quit:
Make a Commitment and Pick a Quit Date – Decide on a day and date in
the future that offers the best possible conditions for success with the least amount of smoking triggers – e.g. if you smoke most during stressful situations pick a relaxing day; if you smoke most while driving pick a day when you are home; if you smoke most while relaxing pick a workday, etc.
Affirmation Statement - An affirmation statement is a positive statement
repeated often to help reinforce in your mind the changes you desire in your life. Repeating the affirmation helps not only to remind you of why you are no longer a smoker, but also imprints you with an additional positive image of your health. Examples: "I am a non-smoker; I make healthy choices in life; I am committed to the path of good health; I deserve good health; etc."
Setting Boundaries – Let other smokers in your life know you are quitting
and ask them to refrain from smoking in your presence or to understand why you won’t be seeing them for a period of time while you are quitting. Be careful of toxic friends and family who do not seem to be able to “get it”. This includes spouses, partners and any other people living with you.
The success rate of one member of a smoking household quitting while the other members continue to smoke is not as good as if all members of the household quit together. It puts a strain on the nonsmoker as well as the relationships, therefore whenever possible, all members of the household should quit together or the nonsmoker should stay away from smokers as much as possible until you feel more confident with your status as a nonsmoker.
Support Person - The decision to stop smoking can cause additional stress and discomfort. Ask someone you trust who will be available those first few weeks to act as a sounding board and provide encouragement and support when needed.
Drink plenty of water - Research shows that dryness causes cravings so sip water frequently throughout the day to stay well hydrated. You can also use sparkling water and add berries or citrus slices to add variety.
Refrain from drinking coffee - Research shows that coffee causes cravings and dehydrates the body (as well as tasting so darn good with a cigarette – ok, the research doesn’t say that last bit.)
Eat Healthy - Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the next few days. This is also a great time to do a body detoxification program which has many health benefits in addition to alleviating cravings. Avoid sugar and other simple carbohydrates as these upset blood sugar levels, which can aggravate cravings.
Also avoid sugar substitutes such as NutraSweet, Splenda, etc. as the body does not care about calories only sweetness when dealing with cravings.
Managing cravings - Cravings feel like they will last forever but actually fade in about two minutes. When you set your quit date make a plan for what you will do during a craving or a situation where you would typically smoke. Examples: take your herbs or supplements; repeat your affirmation; walk away; practice deep breathing, yoga, meditation; exercise; work in the garden/yard; dance; call your support person; etc.
The important thing is to come up with a plan of healthy activities to do to get you past those few minutes of craving, boredom, stress, etc., BEFORE you quit smoking.
Clean Home/Car/Work Place, etc.
Make a fresh start and clean and
freshen your environment as much as possible to remove all traces and odors of your past smoking, remove smoking materials, ashtrays, clean carpets, drapes, bedding, etc.
My Treatment Protocol
It is best if you come in to see me the day you stop smoking, preferably in the morning. You should not smoke or have any cigarettes in your possession. If you make it through the 1st 24 hours smoke-free, you have a 90% chance of being successful. Yay!!
Generally, I give as many treatments as you need during the first two weeks with follow-up appointments as needed. I will also prescribe herbs and supplements based on your individual needs that will include support for your lungs, your liver (detoxification) and craving management.
"It was nice to have an actual relationship with Karen. Felt like she actually cared! We are doing well. No Smoking!"
Andrea M., Sugar Land, Tx
We are proud to carry Standard Process & Mediherb Products
The information contained in this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition.
All rights reserved.
Karen Sigel, MAOM, LAc, ACN
4827 Zachary Lane
Sugar Land, TX 77479
United States
ph: 281-222-9588